A file can be modified by performing operations on it such as open, share, rename, delete, and move. Below are more specifics on the actions taken for each choice:

  1. Click the [E-folder] button in main menu bar
  2. Click the [Division folder]  in the left toolbars
  1. Click on the ellipsis right side 
  2. 0pen


  1.   Share
    1. Copy link to share 
    2. select the institution 
    3. select the user you wish to share with
    4. click on [share] button

6. Rename 

    1. Input the new name 
    2. Click on [Rename] button 

7. Delete 

    1. Click on the [Proceed] button when a window pop-up says, “Are you sure you want to delete this file ”.

8. Move 

    1. click on the drop-down button.
    2. Select the folder you want to move to
    3. Select the file/folder  that the user wants to move
    4. click on the [move] button 


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