A user can set the document info, approval line, recipient, etc. and send the document for an approval request.

    1. Click the [E-Approval] menu from main menu bar on the top of the screen
    2. Click the [Initiate] button on the top of the left menu bar
    3. A pop-up window is displayed 
    4. Select a form from the displayed window 

    1. After selecting the form. Fill in all required information.

[Head] is selected.


Title of the draft document

Due date

Input the due date

6. Click on the [Assign] button to assign an approver line.

On a displayed window titled "Assign Approver" follow steps below to select an approver and a viewer from different organizations.

  1. Under the chosen organization, select a department where the approver is belonging.
  2. Select the actual user.
  3. Click the [Select] button, and add to the [Selected Approver] list.
  4. Selected user added as approver.
  5. Click the [confirm] button to confirm action.


7. "Recipient Institutions" section; this process added on the Outgoing forms.     



Click the [Assign] button, and follow the following steps to select a Recipient(to and cc);

      1. Navigate through [GoR Institution] list.
      2. Select the Institution and Click the [confirm] button.

8. Attaching files from PC or E-Folder.

      1. Click the [click to upload ] link or drag and drop  to attach file(s) from your personal computer (PC).

Steps to attach document from pc

        1. Click to upload 
        2. A pop-up window is displayed 
        3. Select a file and click open button

    1. Click the [select eFolder document] button to attach file(s) from your E-folder


 Steps to attach document from E-folder 

        1. Navigate through the folders
        2. Click select button on file file.
        3. Selected file is displayed in selected document table
        4. Click upload


[Document] is selected.

      1. Select [Document] Tab
      2. Fill in information and compose your content.
      3. Click Submit /cancel or save as draft button





Submit the document for an approval

Save draft

Temporarily save the document to the Save Draft folder in the server.


Cancel the document

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Don't Let Unauthorized Users View Your PDFs: Learn How to Set Passwords