With e-approval, institution users are able to draft internal approval request, memos, official letters, … and assign a dynamic line of approval to each request. With advance notification system the document can be signed with digital image signature or Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

 Anyone can draft and request approval of documents by using common forms for their organization; such documents go through a workflow of ‘Draft-processing before being finally approved and saved.

1. Main Document Folders 

    1. Under the [E-Approval] component.
    2. My Document.

      1. Submitted: All initiated and submitted approval requests.
      2. Rejected: All rejected approval request.
      3. Saved Drafts: All initiated approval requests which are saved but not yet submitted for later actions
      4. Deleted: All deleted drafts.

3. To be processed.

      1. Internal approval: All internal approval requests are stored by default in internal approval folder.
      2. External approval: All external received approval requests, and forwarded documents are stored by default in external approval folder. 
      3. On hold: Approval request that are put on hold
      4. Outgoing: This folder is for only outgoing managers. All documents to be sent to an external institution after the internal approval process is completed. 

4. Processed.

      1. Completed: All internal completed approval processes including your own initiated or approved documents 
      2. Ongoing:  Approved requests but still undergoing through approval process by all assigned approval line.
      3. Shared with me: All shared documents by other users are stored in shared with me folder to keep track of the shared documents.
      4. Dispatched: This folder is for only outgoing managers. All documents already dispatched to external institutions are stored in this folder.

      1. Forwarded: All forwarded external received documents by the user to other internal users.

5. Division Documents.

      1. Received official documents: All DDP (Official documents) documents received from external institutions.
      2. Dispatched official document: All DDP (Official documents) initiated and dispatched to external institutions.
      3. Registered received: All registered received document from external institutions 
      4. Registered dispatched : All registered dispatched documents 


2. Form types



Internal form

This document is delivered within an institution

Outgoing form

This document is in dispatch/reception form (will be sent to another department or organization after completion)

Register form

The official document received or sent outside of the GSAS can be registered by a user so it can be viewed in the system and stored .

A form requiring drafter’s final check

This document requires a drafter’s final check so that drafter also have to approve 

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Revolutionize Your Documentation Output with a Help Authoring Tool