Users can be able to set up their own PKI into smartadmin system. This allows them to digitally sign PKI documents.

    1. Click the [user icon] on the right top of the screen. 
    2. Click the [Profile
    3. Click set PKI.



4. After clicking on set PKI, here user can put the Email used to request the PKI and also National ID

5. Then Hit the [Register], button

6. A window will pop-up.

  1. Provide Email and Mobile Phone that will be used to issue a certificate.

Email Address [1]

Provide the email that will be used to issue your certificate

Mobile Phone [2]

Provide the mobile number that will be used to issue your certificate.

  1. Please select an authentication method to send an authentication code.

Email Authentication

The Email [1], you entered will automatically selected

[3].  and then hit [Send Code] button.


SMS Authentication

The Mobile phone [2], you entered will automatically selected

[3].  and then click the [Send Code] button.


  1. Please enter the authentication code you have received.

Authentication Code

[4] Enter an authentication code sent via SMS or Email.

4. After filling all required information click the [OK] button [5].

7. Select a certificate 

8.Enter PKI password 

9. Click the [CONFIRM] button to proceed, or [Cancel] button to end the process.


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